First Thursday
Join us on August 5th to welcome former VIVA member, Marlene Meyer back for a month guest artist spot,
with her landscapes and still lifes.
The public is welcome to sample our food and beverages, meet the guest artist and VIVA Gallery artists as well,
Thursday, Aug 5th , 5-7 pm, right on Main Street in Viroqua.
Artist’s Statement
My main passion is painting from life - either out of doors or from still life, trying to capture all that possible from the original scene,
with all the sights, sounds and atmosphere there at the time.
Painting is exhilarating, fun, daunting, and challenging work and it is always a thrill when my work makes a connection with the viewer.
Much inspiration comes from local artists – friends, instructors and mentors who have added so much to my knowledge of painting.